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    红土镍矿是否适运谁说了算? ——中国法院的最新判例
    浏览量:912 上传更新:2019-11-09




    红土镍矿的安全运输问题是近年来国际航运界所共同关心的热点话题。尤其是2010 年10 月底至12 月初,巴士海峡附近及以北水域连续发生5起船舶沉没恶性事故。本案纠纷发生于2011年初,涉案船舶的船长为确保运输安全而选择停航晒货。该行为是否构成违约,承运人是否应承担违约责任?



















    On 28 January 2011, vessel Aarrivedat Indonesia for cargo loading, and the loading continued until 11 February. On12 February 2011, the master issued a full set of original clean bill oflading. After that, the master suspected that the laterite nickel ore was notsuitable for safe carriage because of the high moisture content, so vessel Astayed at the anchorage of loading port for sun-drying and testing. On 27March, vessel A proceeded to Philippines, and arrived and stayed there since 29March, still for sun-drying and testing. On 16 May, vessel A departed fromPhilippines and proceeded to Lianyungang Port, and arrived on 23 Mayeventually.

    Before loading, theshipper issued two Cargo Declarations indicating that the cargo was suitablefor safe carriage. The weather was very rainy during the loading operation, andeven free water was found in two holds. Two reports indicated that the moisturecontent of the cargo in above-mentioned two holds was in excess of its TMLduring loading period. After loading, a series of testing were carried out bydifferent inspection organizations. The relevant reportsdivided the cargo into small particles (<7mm) and large particles (>7mm).The small particles, the proportion of which islarger, had the moisture contentexceeding its TML, while the large particles, taking a smaller proportion, hadlower moisture content. However, no reports indicated explicitly whether themoisture content of whole cargo was beyond the limitation.

    The Plaintiff (the consignee) claimsthat, the Defendant made an unjustifiable deviation, and shall thus be liablefor compensation for its significant losses in cargo’s market price. TheDefendant (the ship owner) defends that, it made correct decisions andtookreasonable measures for the common safety of the hull, cargo and crew, sothe Plaintiff has no right to claim for compensation.

    Court’s Decision

    The whole court process of this caselasted for 3 years and 6 months, going through the judgments by the 1st and the2nd instances, as well as the Court Decision by the Supreme People’s Court.

    The Supreme People’s Court holdsthat: 1) The IMSBC Code was applicable to the carriage of the lateritenickel ore. The two sets of Cargo Declarations issued by the shipper, statingthat the moisture content of the cargo was below its TML, were only unilateralstatements, which alone could not prove that the cargo was suitable for safecarriage. That the carrier issued a set of original clean bill of lading onlyreflected that the cargo was in apparent good order. The carrier shall not bedeemed to have accepted the cargo as being suitable for safe carriage onlybecause of the issuance of clean bill of lading by the carrier. All the surveyreports after cargo loading never state about the TML for particles with a size>7mm, nor about the TML for the whole cargo. In accordance with the IMSBCCode and based on the evidence respectively presented by the shipper andthe carrier, the Court should determine that it is justifiable for the carrierto judge that the cargo was not suitable for safe carriage at the port ofloading. 2) The shipper failed to prove the actual resale of the cargo and thereasonableness of the resale price. Therefore, there was no basis for thealleged economic loss.


    The issue of safe carriage oflaterite nickel ore has attracted heavy attention of international shippingsociety in recent years. Especially, from October to December 2010, 5 vesselssunk near Bass Strait and its northern water area, because of accidents causedby the carriage of laterite nickel ore. This action arose at the beginning of2011. The master chose to stop the voyage and take certain measures to ensurethe safety, while this act also caused a breach of contract under B/Lrelationship. The court’s attitude towards the master’s choice would have majorinfluence on similar cases in the future. We Wintell& Co., acting for theship owner to defend in the 1st, the 2nd and the last instance trial, found the following 3 keypoints merit our attention:-

    1. Whether the IMSBC Code wasapplicable to the carriage of the laterite nickel ore

    China is a contracting party to SOLASConvention 1974as amended. As per the Convention, the IMSBC Codeismandatory and it has come into effect in China as of 1 January 2011. Thecargoes in this case, i.e. the laterite nickel ore in bulk, are crude ore withdifferent sizes. This cargo is not listed as solid bulk cargo in Appendix 1 tothe IMSBC Code, whilethe IMSBC Codehowever provides that thecurrent list of typical solid bulk cargo carried by sea is “not exhaustive” andSection 1.7.5 of the IMSBC Codealso states that “cargoes which mayliquefy mean cargoes which contain a certain proportion of fine particles and acertain amount of moisture. They may liquefy if shipped with moisture contentin excess of their transportable moisture limit”. The nature of laterite nickelore is of course in accordance with this definition. In addition, Article 4 ofSafetyManagement Rules for Waterway Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes that are LiabletoLiquefypromulgated by Chinese Ministry of Transport on 9 November 2011explicitly indicates that laterite nickel ore is one kind of solid bulk cargoesthat are liable to liquefy. All the three courts of different instances heldthe same view towards this issue, i.e. the IMSBC Code shall beapplicable to the carriage of the laterite nickel ore.

    2. The criteria for masters to judgewhether solid bulk cargoes that are liable toliquefyis suitable for safecarriage or not

    The firstgenerally accepted method for testing the TML, flow table test, stipulated inAppendix 2 of the IMSBC Code, was designed for mineral concentrates andother fine materials with a maximum grain size of 7mm. Therefore, most of theinspection organizations in this case divided the cargo into small particlesand large particles accordingly. For small particles, the moisture content andTML could be tested and then be compared; while for large particles, only themoisture content could be tested but notthe TML.

    The 1st instance court held that,Article 7.2.1 under Article 7.2 “Conditions for hazards” of the provisions ofSection 7 “Cargo that may liquefy” under the IMSBC Codeprovides that: “GroupA cargoes contain a certain proportion of small particles and a certain amountof moisture. Group A cargoes may liquefy during a voyage even when they arecohesive and trimmed level.”Therefore, it could be seen that, the finegrainsare crucial elements that may easily cause liquefy. Under thecircumstances where the proportion of the small particles was larger, it isreasonable for the Defendant to apply the IMSBC Codein this case and tocompare the moisture content of the small particles with its TML, andeventually to judge that the cargo was not suitable for safe carriage.

    The 2nd instance court held that, themoisture content of large particles is obviously lower than that of smallparticles.There was no sufficient evidence forthe master to make thejudgmentthat the whole cargo was not suitable for safe carriage, only by comparing thedata of small particles.

    The Supreme Court held that, inconsideration of the whole situation during loading period, it is notinappropriateforthe carrier to reasonably initially suspect that the cargo wasnot suitable for safe carriage. On the basis that the proportion of smallparticles was larger and the moisture content of small particles was above theTML, it is reasonable for the carrier to conclude that the cargo was notsuitable for safe carriage.

    3. Master’s discretion when safety oflife at sea is threatened

    Article 34-1 “Master’s discretion” ofthe SOLAS Convention 1974as amended provides that: “The owner, thecharterer, the company operating the ship as defined in regulation IX/1, or anyother person shall not prevent or restrict the master of the ship fromtakingorexecuting any decision which, in the master’s professional judgment, isnecessary for safety of life at sea and protection of the marine environment.”As China is a contracting party to the Convention, this article also haslegal binding force within mainland China. Another thingto note is that, thediscretion of a master should also be exercised within a reasonable andnecessary scope. As in this case, the master decided to stop at Philippines,which was not in the normal route from Indonesia to Lianyungang, so the carrierhas the burden of proving the reasonableness and necessity of this act.Finally, the Supreme Court held that, Philippines is very close to the normalroute from the loading port to the destination port, thus it could be concludedthat, it was for common safety of the ship, the crew and the cargo on boardwhen the vessel sailed to Philippines, which shall be deemed as “or any justifiabledeviation” as provided for in the Maritime Code of China. The essence ofmaster’sdiscretionis the respect for life. The judgment of 1st instance citedthe Convention directly, while the Supreme Court’s decision did not apply thisarticle directly but followed its spirit thoroughly.

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