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    当前位置:网站首页 » 专业文章 » 关于船舶碰撞中非漏油船的责任承担问题——英美海事法律专著中的主流观点
    浏览量:1741 上传更新:2021-12-12






    有关船舶污染责任与赔偿问题最著名的著作是Shipping and the Environment(2009年,第二版),此外,船舶碰撞经典专著Marsden and Gault on Collisions at Sea(2021年,第15版)中有关于污染责任的专章,2013年出版的论文合集Pollution at Sea也集合了西方主流学者的新近观点。以下是三本著作关于非漏油船责任承担问题的摘录及翻译:

    英国学者Colin De La Rue和美国学者Charles B Anderson在该书第17章的“非漏油碰撞船舶”(Non-spilling colliding ship)部分中认为(第669-670页):

    The international compensation regimes channel liability to the owner of the ship from which an escape of oil or other polluting substance occurs, and they do not provide a basis for claims against non-spilling vessels involved in collisions which result in pollution……However, these regimes contain nothing to prevent claims being brought against colliding vessels on some other basis of liability. Although the international regimes contain in some cases so-called channelling provisions, which exclude the liability of certain parties other than the owner of the spilling ship, the owners of colliding ships are not among those whose liability is excluded in this way.

    The owners of colliding ships may therefore incur liability to pay damages for pollution independently of the compensation regimes, normally on the basis of liability in tort for negligence causing or contributing to the collision.

    Although in practice the owners of colliding ships normally incur liability by way of recourse to the owners of the spilling ship, after the latter have paid claims under statutory compensation regimes, there are nonetheless various situations in which third parties who suffer pollution damage may have reasons for pursuing claims directly against the colliding ship. These include those where the statutory regimes do not apply; or where claims against the spilling ship exceed the owner’s liability limit and no other sources of compensation are available; or where the owner of the spilling ship is financially incapable of fulfilling his obligations; or where a claim against the owner of the spilling ship is barred by a statutory time limit which is shorter than that applicable to a claim against the colliding ship.

    Most importantly, the legal rights against the colliding ship of the parties who suffered the pollution damage may need to be considered in cases where a recourse action is brought against it by a compensation body subrogated to their rights.








    In the UK and other common law jurisdictions the general principle developed that joint tortfeasors were jointly and severally liable for loss or damage to third parties, so that each could be sued for the full amount (subject to deduction of any amount actually recovered from the other). This obviated the need for the claimant to prove the degree of fault of either defendant, and left the ultimate apportionment of the loss to be resolved between them in the context of a recourse claim by the paying party for contribution.

    This principle was altered in admiralty actions governed by the Collision Convention and subject to its rule of apportionment by degree of fault. However, in respect of claims outside the scope of this rule it remains the governing principle in the UK that claims against joint tortfeasors may be brought on a joint and several basis. Accordingly, if English law is applied to claim by a third party for pollution damage, the claim may be pursued for the full amount against the owners of each ship.





    二、Pollution at Sea (Informa, 2013)

    英国学者Colin De La Rue在Pollution at Sea一书中的观点为(第14页):

    In common with CLC, the Bunkers Convention provides that no claim for pollution damage may be made against the shipowner other than in accordance with the convention; and it does not impose liability on parties other than those within the definition of “shipowner”, and the insurer of the registered owner. However it does not contain any provisions excluding liability independently of the convention which other parties may incur.

    This is in contrast with the position under CLC 92, which contains so-called “channelling” provisions stipulating that claims for pollution damage from tankers cannot be brought (under the Convention or otherwise) against various parties including the servants or agents of the owner; any charterer, manager or operator of the ship; or anyone performing salvage operation……The absence of channelling provisions in the Bunkers convention therefore leaves open the possibility of claims being pursued independently of the convention against parties other than the shipowner. In states where LLMC is in force their liability may by subject to limitation under that convention, and to aggregation with that of the shipowner for limitation purpose. However, if rights of limitation are governed by a national regime other than LLMC, and no similar provisions apply, the overall exposure of the shipowner and other parties may be relatively onerous.





    此外,英国学者Andrew Tettenborn在该书中的观点为(第220页脚注113):

    Though note the reference to “the ship”: i.e. the ship from which the pollution physically came. There is no ban on direct action by pollution victims against owners, charterers or managers of, or anyone else connected with, another ship responsible for (say) a collision causing the first ship to shed her oil cargo or bunkers (as happened in The Esso Bernicia [1989] A.C. 643, Note 22 above)


    虽然公约中“该船”指的是物理上释放污染物的船舶,没有任何条款禁止污染受害者直接向另一艘对碰撞负有责任的船舶的所有人、承租人、管理人及其他相关方提起诉讼(如The Esso Bernicia [1989] A.C. 643,上文脚注22)


    三、Marsden and Gault on Collisions at Sea (Sweet & Maxwell, 15th edition, 2021)

    英国学者John Kimbell 和Andrew Tettenborn在该书第九章“污染责任”(Pollution Liabilities)中写到(第370页,9-014):

    If the pollution incident is covered by the CLC but an owner is specifically exempted, the claimant cannot recover against him on any of the basis. Nor can be bypass the scheme of owner’s liability by pursuing any of the defendants mentioned in art.III.4 (though he can pursue claims against persons other than the owner or those parties under non-CLC provisions: for example, the owner, master and crew of a vessel which collides with a tanker, the owners of a tug whose negligence causes the spill, the vessel’s builder, or the manufacture of any components whose failure caused the spill).



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